Friday, 26 February 2016

Realisation of action is a totally different thing to freedom of speech…

Realisation of action is a totally different thing to freedom of speech…

I fully accept that everyone has a right to their viewpoint… I just want the right not to have to accept it as the only viewpoint…

Watching the Victoria Derbyshire program this morning (26/02/16) and a part of it was about the “Safe Place” in campuses for freedom of speech being “restricted” with “certain” topics being banned

The present PC madness continues… controlling what you can and cannot say/do….

It's a “Safe Place” no more no less...

The problem is not with what you can say….

The problem I watched... was of not letting people say it…

Whether that was by a “controlling body” limiting the scope of subjects or by the, watched, heckling/shouting at the speaker...

It the old days it was “The person on speakers corner”... not massed people with megaphones or aggressive placards of “Behead X… Homo X… Black X… White X” and many others..

You stopped… you listened, if you wanted to… but you accepted that that person had a right to free speech and that was their view You thought about it or you didn’t… You got on with life as you chose...

There must be free speech or the “he who shouts loudest will prevail” theology wins out…

What seems to be happening these days is that rather than accept that a person has, for the moment, a legal right to express their opinion some would risk losing this rather than “offend” someone…

I cannot see much difference between someone saying “this offends me” or “J'accuse”… Both cause the death of something...

Free Speech… A person can express their view…. You have the free choice to listen or move on…

Free Speech… You can give out leaflets to others who then have the free choice to read it or bin it.

Realisation of Action… Knowing what you do enhances your view over all others..

Realisation of Action… The, viewed, persons persistent heckling that stopped the debate... knowing that only his view was valid... and by repeating three words, loudly, over and over again would negate the speakers viewpoint... All would remember him and not the speaker, or the speech...

Realisation of Action… By limiting free speech you must accept that phobia's, oppression, increase

Example… Chairman Mao... Free speech… His little red book… Realisation of Action… Everybody had to read it… He knew by reading it you gave up your freedom of choice...

Realisation of Action… Groups trying to change you to agree with them… not letting someone have a choice… Is oppressive, self limiting and often accompanied by violence..

Realisation of Action… Groups intimidating by action… not letting someone walk in the own town at night... Is oppressive, self limiting and often accompanied by violence..

Final thought's on freedom and actions…

If I walk into a bar… and it's, say, a gay bar… I walk out… its not because of being homophobic… its because I am not Gay…

I know many Gay people and am truly pleased for those who find happiness in being so…

But I also know that if you tell someone who is truly Gay, that you are not... They will treat you as a friend… not an object to be converted…

Freedom of speech is a fundamental part of existence… The freedom of listening to other viewpoints is paramount…

If it was not… The world would still be flat and the centre of a very small universe..

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