Just received my "why we should stay in" leaflet from the Government.... And I must say... TOTALLY UNIMPRESSED... For all that money I though it would be thicker... and not contain photographs it had no, real, legal right to publish.... Nice shot of Felixstowe Docks though...
Anyhoo... Here is my simple, maybe naive, view of it...
The cover..
Black and white statement about how the Government think its best to stay in... So no subliminal message there then.... being in black and white.....
Ignoring pages one and the picture on two as with the present
turmoil only the date of the referendum stated there can be looked on as
accurate as all the "Special Status" bullet points might not hold true in the future
Page 3...
A Stronger Economy...
The EU is by far the UK's biggest trading partner... EU countries buy 44% of everything we sell abroad.... So, firstly, no one will buy any British product if we leave???.... Secondly.... 44% means that our biggest oversea sales, 56%, are to NON EU countries....
The EU's single market has over 500 million customers and an economy over five times bigger than the UK... So our own economy is not that small then.... Given how many countries are in the EU... And those customers will no longer need, or want, what we make if we leave?
The Single market makes it easier and cheaper for UK companies to sell their products outside the UK, creating jobs....
First off... Do they meant "to the EU/Single Market" ie the 44% market we will lose if we left?.... As this just reads that it is easy and cheap to sell, red tape aside, outside the UK.... like... Anywhere... but if we leave we will never sell to anyone ever again as it will be "not easy and to expensive"...
Create jobs.... A one of the thousands who used to work for Crane Fluid Systems.... who now work elsewhere, if they can, and all the other heavy industry companies that are no longer here... Because all the "CHEAP" products are now made in China, or elsewhere......
Being inside the EU also makes it more attractive to companies to invest in the UK...
In the early days this was true as many companies built plant here, or registered companies, as it was a gateway into the EU for those outside it... Think of car manufacturing companies, amongst others, who used the UK to avoid import duties...
But these days.... Companies will still invest in the UK if we leave because of the Governments insistence that everything must be in private hands, and are... Genesis album title... "Selling England by the Pound"... Well Euro these days... You name it... NHS... Dartford Crossing... Electricity... Roads... Royal Mail... Land Registry (don't know how many, truly, realise the effect of this one... but it really does enables those that have to ride rough shod over those who have not)... Schools and far to many more to list here...
But bottom line for our (your fave name for them here) if its public, or free... it wont be soon....
Over the last decade foreign companies have invested £540 billion in the UK, equivalent to £148 million each day...
Foreign companies..... so not just EU companies then... and how much of that is for selling out this country...
Below all this misdirection and badly worded "facts" is a list of meaningless numbers... Trust me in this... As a trained, if not qualified, Industrial Engineer this list of numbers is just that... a list of numbers...
Page 4...
Page four is a very nice, staged, picture with its almost (come on... no female in there somewhere) PC correct workforce...
Since 2010 tourism has been the fastest growing sector in the UK in
employment terms. Britain is forecast to have a tourism industry worth
over £257 billion by 2025.
(Taken from www.visitbritain.org/visitor-economy-facts)
So I guess that soon most people will be working in a tourist/entertainment based job and spend their holidays at other tourist/entertainment places....
You know I could go on right threw this waste of money but do not, in my wildest dreams, think anybody would make it to the end...
Will end with one more phrase from the "What happens if we leave?" page...
The Government judges it could result in 10 years or more of uncertainty as the UK unpicks our relationship with the EU and over 50 other countries around the world...
Who worded this...
The Government "Judges"... like they do that so well... Bail something out for 100 million and then sell it for 10 or setting share prices way below the true market value...does not give confidence in their good judgement.. (wish I could sit on a comfy bench and go Arff Arff... And claim dodgy allowances for twice my wages or more)
Could result??? way to go with the conviction (subliminal/scare tactics???) factor there...
As for "the UK unpicks "our" relationship".... "it's" makes sense but "OUR" just screams "I'm rich and have not got a clue how to talk to these.... what do we call them... Oh yes.. common people...
Be Happy folks and vote the way your own heart tells you.... but please either vote or don't complain when stuff hits the fan...
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