Saturday, 20 February 2016

50 First Dates... Another "Does Heaven Exist" if you want to not read any further...

Hi All

Just checking my blog stats and found that one reader was from the Arab Emirates.... don't know if I should be worried or not about this, the way the world is going these days....

A couple of my posts are about religion (which to me is just a means of control), or more correctly whether heaven and hell exist...

The more I research... the more I believe the only way heaven, or hell, can work is if it is like the film "50 first dates"... If you only remember one day.... it can always be perfect..... you can have as many as you like because you look forward to a tomorrow that does not exist...

But as the, alive, brain cannot fathom large numbers... the reality of "forever" is... well unfathomable...

You live a full life, if you are lucky, and get to 100+ plus... and that entitles you to millennia in "heaven" or "hell" and when that millennia runs out... you get another one.... who thinks that works...

I get reincarnation... I truly do... but I'm not as covinced about rebirth as I am about the knowledge  stored in our genes...

I have been told by two separate "knowledgeable" people that I am to close to my last life.. going to my death, by bayonet, in the trenches...  one was local to be... but the other... I traveled a long way to see... not by appointment but by research and just turning up.

I do like cold steel but is that a coincidence... I don't know...

Went on  a schools trip around Suffolk, back in the 60's, and when we got to Thetford and its priory ruins... I knew the guide was wrong... I knew the people who he was talking about... I just knew...

A belief I have long held is that we are all connected.... telepathy is something we have lost over time... not something new to learn....

Brainwaves are electrical impulses.... radio waves if you like.... and our thoughts are still out there.... all of them.... probes send photos back from distant planets using less lower than is in our own heads..

And if your brain comes across a wave from the past that is of the same frequency.... you hear it... You know it...

So did I know the monks names because I was there or because of a brainwave I received from the person who was....

Think of it as crossover between to stations on the radio......

And there's always the option of the memory being passed down through my genes


You can do anything in Heaven... play a piano.... how did that get there... did it have a "good" soul to... and how can you just know how to play it.... do you have to play Mozart 'caus he's there first...

How does all the other "life" stuff get there...

How do the cavemen get on with modern technology...

Are the flat earth society all condemned to hell....

If you don't need money... is God a sugar daddy?

Would Rastafarians have their own "patch" of heaven.... make their own clouds...


With all the greed in our lifetime... he must have a devil of a time trying to stay the "Don"...

Does "Stockholm Syndrome" mean we all end up as friends....

Do your fingernails grow back so he can pull them out again....

After being scared by bugs for the umpteenth time... do you think.. frell this I'm gonna kill something...

What about those who get off on pain... and start eating the lesser minions... will that cause harmony in hell, as anarchy is the norm...

See... only "50 First Dates" makes any sense of being happy or terrified for the 2.4 billionth time.

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