Don't know if I'm writing to many of these but the present problems do worry me... but if it continues then all comments of this type may be removed by the religion that "wins out" anyway....
If you need to believe in something then that's fine.. but the ability to appreciate (acceptance is not necessary) all other viewpoints is a must for a peaceful cohabitation in our small, rapidly changing, evolving and slowly dying world...
We all, well the vast majority of us, seem to need to believe in something..... as otherwise why are we here... why do we exist...
This has been used by those who say "I'm/ we're right - your wrong" brigade ever since mankind began.....
We only know what we see, read or are told.... But just because you hide/ destroy/ ridicule something does not mean it did/ does not exist/ is not true...
Just because you destroy a building does not mean that it was not built in the first place.. you just lose its beauty and the knowledge of how it was built.....
If you destroy a statue.... it was still made.... all you are doing is stopping others seeing its beauty.... and, again, you lose the chance to learn how it was built....
The majority of religions that have "won" incorporate something the "new" religion finds "useful"
The world was flat... then it was round...
The world was the "all powerful" centre of the universe... then it was just another planet revolving around its sun
Did Jesus say "Eli" or "Allah".... the answer to that question will be
written by whichever religion is left for in truth the truth will never
be known...
The world was made in seven days.... my take on that is that the "earth" being one of his earlier attempts took a little longer.... one viewpoint on why there are so many planets out there... billions and trillions of planets made in seven days... (He did not rest.. he collapsed in a corner....) who would believe that... (but if you get told something enough times...) and how big must this guy be....
But the usually answer to the above is "He must be even more powerful than we thought"... get a grip.... Get a life..... Get.... you chose this one....
Scientists may have proved how old the earth really is, only for some to say "he must be older than we thought"
There is simply no winning with a viewpoint that has, by definition, no proof of definition.
I have my own beliefs in who we are.... how we co exist... what we put into the world.... and a single "Deity" does not do it for me.... Belief in a narrow viewpoint does not do it for me either.... And belief in a controlling "some people are worthless" viewpoint definitely does not do it for me.
Even the simplest of person can have an earth shattering idea...
Does this single "Deity" have any family.... or were we created out of his loneliness
Myself being nearer to, but not completely, an agnostic, can NEVER find out if I'm RIGHT.... as if I am there is NOTHING....
But if you believe in a religion that promises an afterlife of any kind then you can NEVER find out if your WRONG.... because if you are wrong there is NOTHING....
As stated in a previous posting - this is why I question any religion that promises any type of "eternal" afterlife..
At least in the Muslin theology there is the belief in creationism with the option of "coming from the sea" and the sciences are not ridiculed as in Christianity, amongst others.
But Christianity now values the input of women rather than hiding them away/ ignore them..
How old are "modern" religions
A few "forgotten" religions
How many religions, since time began, have been "lost" because of no written language...
How many religions have been wiped from history by war or famine or disease....
How much knowledge, how many wonderful inventions, have been lost and not re learnt... and the beauty of those created items melted down to make something else... lost.....
Earlier in the post I stated that the "winning" religion often incorporates thing into itself that the "controlling" factions find useful.... But, as Newtons third law, this also means that it missuses other parts.. i.e. (Way to go use something from another religion that proves your point, and age, that can never be proved/ disproved)
This makes for interesting reading as "if" Jesus, Moses, Joseph were previous "prophets" then how can a christian etc be an infidel as they are following their "Prophets" paths..
"All praise to Allah" is also questionable as "the only way"... if he is a prophet of God then surly the cry of "All prise to God" is the "cry" for any monotheism religion.
And to be honest if you live there "forever"... what would you do after you have done it all a thousand times... is boredom the major cause of the suicide in heaven....
To coin a phrase... show me a stunningly beautiful wife and I will show you a husband who is bored bedding her..
Show me a friend and you show me a lifetime.... but multiples and multiples of lifetimes and you are bound to find a "toothpaste in the middle" or "toilet seat up again" moment or three....
Love the oft found phrase of "God is uncaused and uncreated — He simply exists." this just adds credence to me for the "God I'm bored.. lets create trillions of planets.. but only one bunch of humans, as that's all that's needed to "evil" it all up"
I love riding my motorcycles... even my temperamental Buell Ulysses.... and can not think of a better way to go out of this world than on one.. maybe as Mr Clarkson once said.... backwards and on fire....but even if its by a texting driver who must care so little about anyone else but him/her self to be texting in the first place....
To be done... to be over might just be better than eternity to be bored in....
Last thoughts...
Hell.... Pain is only in the mind... and believe me it can be switched off (not saying its easy but it is not impossible)... Any torture that goes on long enough in the "now" world turns into something else and there's always the people that enjoy pain and degradation... how can "Hell" improve on that...
Last Last thoughts... I suppose with all these trillions of planets there is somewhere someone could send us to for another go round.. you get past life regression in "this" world but not heard of "other world" regressions...
So searched and found this....
"More than 90 million Americans have lived past lives on other planets, astounding evidence reveals!"
Gotta love the Americans... Gotta love that we need to believe in something... shame its just not us..
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