First rule of the road.... Everyone else is an idiot...
Second rule of the road...... Your an idiot for going out on a
road full of idiots...
Another scorcher of a day... So it's out on the Uly again....
Headed up to the north Norfolk coast via Thetford and Swaffham.... so a bit of a convoluted route to the Kingfisher cafe on the coast road in Wallcott and the, nearby, Happisburgh light house.
Started out as a nice ride but the ever increasing traffic and decreasing levels of driving ability did detract from this somewhat....
Caught up to one guy, early on, who was a "40mph is my speed"... so 40 he did... in 50mph limit roads... along 60mph roads...... and through 30mph villages.....
As I was using the "shortest route" option on my Garmin it was taking me down all the back roads... which is always my preference.... but up in Norfolk the driving is a bit last century....
Now I can live with the locals going slow because, at least, their consistent.... and they don't swerve away when you pass....
But the Tourists who are trying to avoid the permanent queue that is the coast road, in summer, or any main road in that area, are a different story...
4x4's barrelling towards you expecting you to go up a bank to get out of there way are common, as are the "lets blast down this narrow "straight" road n screech to almost a standstill for the slightest of bends" brigade... found more then a few of both types today
First real idiot, though, was a nice X5 (bl**dy ugly things) driver who was so impatient that when the car in front of me slowed to let a car pull out he overtook the pair of us... luckily the driver pulling out must have been a local cos he had not even started to move before the X5 flashed past in front of him.... No idea what the X5 driver was thinking off but he was one very lucky man...
And when coming back along the A140...... I came across (I so want to say massive here) idiot number two
Long queue of cars n me behind another "Mr 40 mph" on the Suffolk "50mph" half of the 140... Not to many cars coming the other way so, slowly, people overtook him....
Were down to three cars behind him then me just as we hit the Mendlesham straight section.... So I gear up to follow the other cars past....... when he slows down n indicates to turn in next to Scholar...
Can see his "high level" lights through the windscreens of the cars in front of me...
But Mr "I've got a flash Audi" behind me just pulls out and passes the lot of us...... He needed a bit of the grass to do this mind you.... because "Capt slow" had started to turn... He stopped.... Mr Audi did not... He just disappeared off into the distance... probably to get home for a clean pair of skids... Idiot... lucky, lucky idiot.....
I'm watching in front of me but he must have started past us the instant he saw no oncoming traffic down the straight as a second later and he would have been rolling down the road, or over the hedge....
Nearly bought a the new Sena 10c helmet cam the other day... wish I had now as posting video's of today's events would have been fun.
Hmmmm... Maybe I'll get one tomorrow...
It's always an Audi... Saw a nigh on identical incident on the A140 just Needham side of Stonham last year. Audi overtook 4 cars and a lorry just coming out of the 30, doing a good 60 because there was sliver of a gap in oncoming traffic. Unfortunately he didn't notice the car immediately behind the lorry... which was being driven by Mr Plod. I did chuckle to myself a mile down the road when we all went past him again :)