Saturday, 18 May 2013

Eyes in The Back of His Head

      A few, OK many, years ago I was riding an old, original, white BMW 80GS. Lovely bike but the wind-blast was a pain at, cough, motorway speeds.

      So one Saturday I ran my friend Bill (She had here eyes closed in central London for some reason....:-) down to a M.A.G. rally in Hyde Park and then shot off to the Touratech workshop that used to be in the Old Kent Road to fit a very nice little Acerbis unit, and a low front mudguard.
    Anyway the reason for this story happened a week later..... I was happily cruising up the A1, at a sensible pace you understand, when this Cavilier/ Rep car came past me like I'm standing still, followed by a police car...........

     And then, and then, the police car slammed on his brakes and pulls over in front of me...... Now those that know me know I do not upset easily but i was spitting fire at this point.... Police.... motorcycles...... Book em all Danno.....

     His lights flicked on..... the indicator flicked on...... I found a few new words...... anyway we slow down and pull into a slip lane for a little chief........ he gets out of the car..... i cant get my helmet off quick enough...... and....... and.......

    He put both hands up and said.......... I've got one of those and where did you get that from, as he pointed to my new little Acerbis screen.........

    Speechless..... absolutely speechless...... did not know whether to laugh, cry, fall off the bike or carry on with my new found vocabulary.......

   We talked for quite a while about bike and I must admit i have always been appreciative of the motorcycle cop, which he normally was, as they do seem to have more logical sense than the 4 wheeled variety.

My parting comment to him was " the rep was lucky".........

His reply is unrepeatable here....... polite but unrepeatable...........

All I can say is either he had eyes in the back of his head or all that "pursuit" training  really works as definitely impressed that he could spot my little screen at those speeds.

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