Friday, 27 May 2016

The UK EU Referendum

This is my view on things...

If you agree, after reading, that's great...

If you disagree, after reading, that's great to....

For the important thing is to vote the way your head tells you to, as the heart can get a little fuzzy on the details sometimes...


I hear, see and read all these things that our "glorious" leaders tell us will happen if we leave... But some of the stuff Mr Osborne has been coming out with are just so far out of the ball park. You just gotta wonder how dumb he thinks people are...

He cannot hit his own targets, or keep his promises, so how does he suddenly know, with such certainty, what will happen...

Mind you... Dodgy Dave has been an apple short of a fruitcake with his comments too...

And then there is Boris... Now there's a man who is proud to be and apple short of a fruitcake and is damn clever while doing it...

I do like Boris... A politician who does not answer a question with a question but gives you an answer...

But the truth is....Nobody knows the truth.... and that's the truth....

Staying IN or OUT...  WILL mean change and that is the truth...

The money men, and those with money, want to stay in because they see it as beneficial for making money...

The government want to stay in because all they can see is ways to exploit it... and make money...

Neither seem to be able to grasp the fact that the EU, i.e. Germany, wants to control everything.... including money...

The unelected autocratic bureaucracy have been churning out laws and legislation by the van load to achieve this end...

Some say.... (imagine a Mr Clarkson impression here)

House prices will go up... well my thoughts on this is that house prices go up through greed, so that's not going to change while people praise money and "ownership" above all else... The mantra of consumerism... "I Want... therefore you cannot have"

A house in the 80's that was worth, say, £100,000 and now costs £250,000.... it only costs more because people pay more... there has been no increase in the number of bricks its made from... It did not ask to be worth more... It does appreciate all the new paint, paper and windows...

The NHS will be saved if we leave.... Nope... It's doomed....

Our own government has been actively making it fail to its present point and is now selling it off to the highest bidder, or is that contributor to the cause.... Can't make a profit if its a free service...

Don't need to be IN or OUT of the EU for that to continue...

Thousand of jobs will be lost....  Quite possibly... but if less product does come in from the EU then we need to start making stuff again... we were very good at that once... so not so much jobs lost... just different ones...

We are safer IN.... Err... NO... open borders between stable, similar minded/lifestyle countries is one thing but to open borders to bring in a, so called, cheap labour force that hold vastly different, even ignoring our, values, is not safe...

The EU answer... an EU army... forget we already have NATO... An all new EU army will solve all the problems... Err... NO... Just another tool for the unelected autocratic bureaucracy to use to create its superstate...

I Say...

I like being British... I like being English... I do not want to live in the EU state of...

I like miles per hour and driving on the left...

I like our postcode system... 

I like the Monarchy, but am not a royalist...  The Royal family do far more for this country than most people will ever understand...

I would like being able to choose what power of appliance I prefer...

I would like to keep eating fish caught by a British trawler..

I like freedom of choice... not limitation of product or packaging so it packs, stacks and ships more cost effectively...
Our system is far from perfect and accountants have made it way to profit orientated...

Also I have no idea of what will become of the UK once it is owned by everybody else...

But to have an unelected autocratic bureaucracy that's heading towards a, lets call it an, Orwellian state by Marxist means (feel free to use your own terms here), with a bit of self destruction along the way, is not for me..

So my vote is NO...  No to staying in the EU unelected autocratic bureaucracy...

I wish that staying in or out of the EU was the biggest problem at the moment... But standing up for your country, your rules, your heritage is a start...

Wars are great for population control, technology advancement, and restructuring the landscape... But suck for those who don't survive it...

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