Thursday, 4 June 2015

What Do You Belive in....

 Faceblogtweet being so full of religious hate comments, and a recent post about "Real Men don't hit Woman" just got me wondering if there is much difference between the two ideals.

They say there's two things we do without conscious thought... Eat and Reproduce..... But I think there is a third.. Greed... (or more correctly "The wont of other peoples life...") as the primordial part of our brain has far more control than most people realise....

And then there's the word GOD.... even an agnostic may cry "Oh God that hurts" if he smashes his thumb rather than the nail he was trying to hammer home...

The word God has been ingrained into our DNA for a Milena and it seems, to me, that there are three main types (please read this as just an opinion and not a truth/ absolute/ your word here).

Firstly..... The all powerful just/ unjust "Monotheism" by which ever name you know him...          
                 my main problem with these is the promise that cannot be proven

Secondly The "Polytheism" system of many, many gods..... lots of good things in this system for                          personal and not invasive control

Thirdly    The "Our God is the One but we will respect yours" A system that the Romans (side note..                    ever wondered about the 25th of December ) and Inca's (and probably others I an not fully                  aware of) used to great advantage in empire expanding

Real men don't hit woman... does not ring true to me and as reflex situations happen... so the statement should read "Why did this man hit a woman" (or woman hits man).

One person who hits another more than once may have a problem with themselves not the other party as, in truth, most bullies are cowards inside and need constant proof they are better by making someone else feel worse/ make someone there slave. But if they do it because they like it that's a whole other ball game...

Does this equate to a single god/ sect with rules that you must obey..... They are right and everyone else is wrong.....

The "Poly" and "Roman" at least have some leeway, but you were still likely to be "punished"

The religious problem in the headlines, at the moment is mainly there because they want to prove themselves right by pressing every possible button until they get a reaction.... because they believe that "others will come to try and stop us" every time there is a response it just proves them right in there eyes... 

You can pick any topic you like and they will have an anti view of it.... 

The world wars are prevalent in the news so the "there was no Holocaust" was a perfect button push..

We can burn your book but you cannot burn, or even comment on, ours.... button push....

Not that people should not respond but how its done needs to be better thought out... The old adage of "if you don't understand it kill it" is used way to often....

No body wants to die earlier than they have to so most will do anything just to live a little longer but to some this just means that they get "high" on your fear for a little longer, as in there eyes you are worthless...

If 1,000,000 people just walked into there territory, you could do it for the bikers, and started talking to people, help them, feed and woman equally... what would happen?.... if they shot the first 1,000.... would you keep on walking.... but if you did would it change things.... I'd like to think so... 

Ever since there have been conflict both sides would tell there people "they eat babies" etc to breed hatred... but, apart from genocide, how many times have two waring factions ended up friends... until the next fight.....

A small number can easily control a larger though fear but if the larger number "removes" the smaller then are the larger..... well there is no easy answer and as long as someone wants to be "higher/ better/ have more" than another there never will be.

And finally the Fourth religious option.....
The "we don't own anything... we just borrow it for the time were here" . This appeals to me as it simply states we are here... we use/ make stuff... we return our nutrients...

The body needs no promises, just fuel... you may feel you need a purpose to live, otherwise why do we exist... but in reality the body just needs food to fuel it until the day it cant repair itself anymore. It is the brain that causes the problem and as we are just an animal that thinks to much...

You can ask an American Indian how he feels but you can't an Original Tasmanian... Whatever we think we are... if nature joins in we are but specs of sand....

Get a Life humanity and realise we are all the same... were here.... we live... we die.... If you want to believe in something that's fine but don't ram it down other peoples throat.... its what you contribute while your here that matters... NOT what you have or control

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